I feel like the hair on my arm is gonna catch on fire. But I am going to the beach with my boyfriend tomorrow!
Getting my car fixed, it'll probably be a few days for it be running up and like new again. Poor baby, I've abused it. :[ And I miss my cats! Boo.
Going to NJ in a few weeks. After that, Philadelphia with Joseph Balestra. Will also be traveling through MD, and the such. :D Yaaay. Then maybe NH after that! Who knows! We're still planning!
Maybe Baltimore, and NC in the near future as well. >]
Here are photo updates. : More shots from DWFotos in Chesapeake. Now I'm a sailor of the skies! Or a pilot, whichever you'd like to call it. ;D Styling all my DW, make-up by me.
Shots from Brian Burk, from Sam and I's trip to NJ. Brian drove us out to Philadelphia our first day being there, we got some latex, and shot in the beautiful (haha) city of Philly. Hair and make-up by Alayna Marie.
Then we shot Victoria Velvet's stuff in Central Park on Sunday! It was a little rainy out that day, but totally worth it. Make-up by designs by lj, and hair by Danielle Downs.
Another shot from one of my favorite artists, Cannibalized. Playing with liquid latex can be pretty damn fun sometimes. :D
Shots from Ynot Photography. The black and white ones are absolutely amazing. This shoot was really laid back, and we played in the pool afterwards! Haha. He's always a pleasure to be around.
The blue shot is a promo for a zivity set. Hopefully it'll go live soon!
Shot at the beginning of June, here's a shot from Cobblestone Studios. He's an amazing guy! We totally had sheetz iced coffee too, yummy. Haha.
First shots from the Primal Stare Studio workshop in NJ. Photos by Matt Mullen. Hair by Abby. Make-up by ladyxbird. All sets made by Primal Stare Studio.
I saw yay waaaay too much for my own good. And I have not been able to update almost at all! It makes me so upset! So now the updating begins... again, and will probably be gone for a little while again, since I will be busy, and internetless at my house.
I went to NJ/NY. I shot with a few people while I was up there and had so much fun at the Primal Stare Studios workshop, those kids are innnnssaaanely fuckin cool. And Sam (built4sin) is the raddest sickest nastiest wicked chick ever (oh god, inside jokes are fuckin gnarly sick, haha.) :D
Hopefully will have behind the scene shots soon! We had fun with the drive, stopping and getting the best cheesecake in MD, fuck yeah.
Definitely have a lot more work from when I was in New England.
Will be in NJ/NY AGAIN! In a few weeks. Going out to the Baltimore M+G this weekend with Sam. Scheduling a weekend in Philadelphia soon, then Joseph Balestra will be here from July 21st- August 5th. Book him, book me, we'll be together, driving up and down the east coast for a few days atleast. :D Yaaays. So much fun.
Oh my god, I just noticed it's 2 AM. wth. On with the picture updating.
Some more shots from Cannibalized and her fuckin' awesome self! Make-up and hair is by Nikk Noir. Thanks to Joseph Balestra for helping us with lights and stuuuufff. I love being creepy!
I miss all of them so much too, I wanna go back up there sooo bad! Anyone wanna drrriive there? :D I'll help with gas, and hook you up with some bitchin' ass photographers/models.
More from New England! The ever amazing Dastardly Dave in Manchester, NH. He's so awesome, I can't even take it, haha. So much fun, easy to talk to, I just feel bad because I was soooo tired the day we shot together! By the end of my trip, I wanted to fall into a coma. But we got some good work. Ben and Molly Make-up (Miss Emma) joined us that night to do the studio set. Her and I had so much fun, for the second time meeting eachother, we even cuddled and watched silly videos on Dave's couch for atleast an hour, before I almost fell asleep sitting there. Hee.
The river set was neat though, it was pretty dirty, but totally worth it, it wasn't even that cold, which I was surprised. :] And thanks to Joe for killing a huge spider for me!
And now for another shot from Serena Star Photography in NJ. Make-up and hair by her as well. This photo got a daily deviation on DA not too long ago on her profile. :D So congrats to her, it was exciting!
Two new shots from shooting last week with DwFotos in Chesapeake. They were good fun people, the shoots were short and sweet, and we got some really amazing work with cool concepts. Hope you like. Styling all by them, make-up by me.
I got home from Boston a week ago. I miss all of you crazy northerners already! But am going up to NYC this weekend and doing a few things while I'm up. Very excited. :D Yaaays. Just trying to get my scheduling figured out.
But will hopefully be back in Boston/NH in July. :] Yeeeeees. My trip was pretty great, mostly stress free, I was way exhausted by the end of it due to lack of sleeping well. (Daaamn my brain for needing a fan to sleep.) Just gave me an excuse to splurge on dunkin' donuts, which we lack here in VA, very few around here.
We have Wawa though, which is better, suck on that.
Made a wishlist of traveling to do for the summer : Boston/NH, NYC, LA, San Fransisco, North Carolina, Philadelphia, and Florida. Let's make this happen people!
With all my ranting aside, I definitely have lots of new amazing shots I have yet to post!
All of these shots are by a guy who's really fuckin' awesome, Vic of Studio206 is a great guy, ssoo much fun to be around, we had a fun time shooting!
Next shots are from one of my favorite people ever, Tina Dolin. I want to visit Philadelphia, and work with her again soon. She's so amazing, inspiring, and a great person. I miss her! Ha, I'm such a dork! She makes me look so pretty though.
Make-up and hair by Hilary Nelson.
Davood Salek and I met back in April at the Slyhorse M+G shoot in Rockville, MD. Did a small shoot together, I messaged him again and asked him to work while in his area. Ryan Henaghan joined us to do my eppppic hair! It was absolutely nuts.
It was especially funny watching me get into the car. Both very sweet guys, Davood's dog was smaller than my cat which I also got a huge kick out of. Ryan and I definitely watched iCarly after we shot.
It was a pretty day out that day, and the pictures are aaammazing.
And now yay! My first shot back from my Boston trip. I hopped off the plane, Joseph Balestra and I went straight to Cannibalized's place. Drank some coffee, relaxed a little, make-up artist Nikk Noir came over and we started getting everything ready.
Her and I ended up shooting almost all day but it was so much fun. She's great to be around, and Nikk Noir is pretty amazing herself, she's incredibly talented and so creative. Cannibalized, Joe, and I were all impressed by her.
Cannibalized and I also convinced ourselves to watch 10 things I hate about you in about 15 seconds, possibly torturing Joe for almost 2 hours with girl talk, squeeing over Heath Ledger (atleast that's what I was doing). I also made a neat little pile of peeled off liquid latex on the floor.
Woohoo! About to go and run some errands with the boyfriend, try and find a new suitcase, and then tomorrow get everything ready for my flight on Thursday. It's gonna be crazy hectic, but it'll get done.
My first shoot is with Cannibalized, which I am super stoked about, she's awesome, and such a great artist.
Other than that, I don't have much going on, except talking about moving out, and cuddling with my cats. >D
Here are some new pictars. Yay.
Another shot from Serena Star Photography. Hair and make-up by her. Outfit is by Scarlet Fairy. Sooooo cute. Def one of my fav shots as of right now.
Another shot from the ever awesome BellaGore. Hair is by Jen Jennings. That bird smelled very strange.
The next shots are from *drumroll* Tina Dolin! I went straight to her on my trip to Philly, after being in MD for a few days. She's definitely one of my favorite people in the world, and her kids are awesome, haha. We had a lot of fun hanging out, shooting, and getting to know eachother more. She's great. Hair and make-up are by Hilary Nelson. Oh yeah, and trying to get feathers on your boobs is awkward.
And yay, another shot from when I stopped before going to see Tina, by David Hilton! This was in a awesome park in the middle of Baltimore. Lots of neat stuff.
Brand spankin' new shots from Studio206, Vic was amazing to work with, very talkative, laid back, and a really really really nice guy! I reccomend him highly, he's awesome! Styling was by the pretty Belle Morte, her outfits were awesome, and oh ssooo cute. Def more coming soon.
Hopefully I'll post again before Boston, but if not, you'll def hear from me soon. :]