My zivity account is back up and running, so add me please!
Debating on whether or not to put the money down to get 20 more pictures a month on MM. I don't own a credit card, so until I can go to the bank and put some money into my bf's account, I have time to think about it, haha.
Oh, and happy 4th of July everyone! Gonna go out soon with my family and see fireworks, waiting for my mom to finish cookin up some yummy burgers. :]
NJ/NY in two weeks, that's if we can get the gas and stuff to ggooo. :[ I'm crossing my fingers!
Joseph Balestra will be here in a little over two weeks. Philadelphia the weekend after! Gotta book!
Possible San Fransisco trip at the end of August, into the beginning of September. Sweet jesus.
And Boston/ Southern NH possibly at the beginning of August. Mmm, fun, fun.
New stuff!
First from Corwin Prescott back in May when I went to Philadelphia. I hearts Corwin, he's fucking awesome, and that's the only way to describe him, haha. I got to shoot with the fox, he's such a ladies man.
.... Ladies.

Next is a promo shot for for Ynot Photography. Not sure when the set will go up, but I'm gonna hope for soon, and hopefully it'll be bitchin. These pictures are teh sex, I really didn't even know I had it in me! Seriously!

Next shots are from when I went to Boston/NH. Shot with the really cool Karen Jerzyk Photography. She was really cool, and we snuck into some kick ass locations. I'm hoping to work with her again if I go back up there. :]
That dress was insanity, and she made the hat I'm wearing in these shots! They're pretty creepy, and I look like a little kid. Haha.

Mmmm. Now food's done and I'm starving! Gotta get some strength if I'm gonna start blowin crap up!
just wondering.. did anyone donate?O.o
nice work, love the bow tie. You should do a video/tutorial on the eye shadow makeup
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