At my boyfriend's! With my cats. Heeeeee. Bein' mad lazy, and lovin' it.
Been a little stressed out lately, and quite underjoyed to be honest. I'm ready to travel soon, I'm so glad this trip to MD is coming in the next two weeks, and I'm pretty sure I'm already booked, which is happy. :] Yay.
I really wanna go to NYC. I'm so ready for it. Wooooo. But I need to get my breaks on my car fixed.
Been trying to catch up on my reading, and I'm glad I'm at my bf's, cause now I can get my tripod, take some self portrait work, and work on photoshop skillzors. Also, get my FAQ video started, which shouldn't take me too long to do.
Right now, here are some pictures, going to catch up on some things and watch the rest of Degrassi (3rd season.) :]
Photos by Sarah Beth Faison, one from Feb, and one from March. She's awesome.
Photo by Joseph Balestra, we shot coming back from SNAPMUP I stopped at Primal Stare Studios and we shot in the woods behind the studio building.
I really hate Jersey, what a crappy state, haha. But Joe was awesome. Make-up is by the lovely Asphyxia, and wardrobe is by the incredible Rana X of Exploration B.
I love all those guys, I wanna visit up there so bad. :]
Next shots are headshots taken by CLT, who's awesome and such a nice guy, he's been out of town for a long time, I'm gonna go and visit him in June, it'll be great. These are from January.
But anyways, I'm going nuts and going into crazy staring at shoes all day mode, and I would die for a pair of these right now:
Gaaaah, so cute. I'm so poor right now, it's terrible.
Someone buy me some cute shoes, and some cute plugs for mah ears. :3
I am scheduling galore. Excited much! Joseph Balestra and I are also trying to get me out to Boston sometime soon.
Setting up my trip to San Fransisco at the end of May. Never been to Cali! Yay so excited!
Figuring out NY, and trying to plan my next trip to Philadelphia. :] Yaaaaays. Plus, lots of people traveling into my area, a small MD trip at the end of April.
Buuut, I does have some new photos for you guys.
Fiirrst! From SNAPMUP! And from one of my favorite people that I've worked with in the past Dastardly Dave. It was so nice to see him again, and everyone from NH/Boston area, I love those guys. :]
I turned my dress into a cape, I am silly.
Another shot from my Philly trip and when I went out to NJ and shot with Serena Star Photography. Who's amazing, I love this shot so much. :] She also did hair and make-up for all of our shoots!
Next shot is actually from way back when I went to Boston/NH. It's from Matt Stephens Photography who was my generous host while I was visiting. It's a gorgeous shot, I've been working up the courage to put it up, llaaame.
And more shots from the cool Ynot Photography. We have been speaking of doing a set for zivity soon, so be on the lookout for that. Here's the shots. >D Woooo.
Oh, and a few more shots from SNAPMUP. Make-up by Doe Deere of LimeCrime Make-up!
Gots new photos from Ynot Photography! But I will post them in just a second.
Getting scheduling ready for the Slyhorse M+G in Rockville MD on the 25th. Hopefully see some awesome people there. :D But I'll be in MD the whole weekend! I'm pretty excited.
I'm trying to plan a trip to the DC zoo this week with my friends. I'm crossin' mah fingers! :D
Here are some photos!
Photo by Johnny Rocket, from way back in February!
By Ynot Photography. We shot the other day, it was so much fun, he was really great, I'd love to shoot again just to hang out~! Haha. But we got into strange little crevices, funtimes.
Also, have some more shots from Snapmup!
Doe Deere from Lime Crime doing my make-up!
Doe Deere from Lime Crime and I right after she was done with the make-up!
I went out and shot with Ynot Photography yesterday. Him and his wife were so much fun, we talked a lot, laughed, and joked, I loved it. The shots are amazing and I'm so excited to get them back, they're beautiful!
But I does have a lot more new shots to put up! :D
These are from Jimmy C, I also modeled with the pretty little Zui! I also shot some Scarlet Bliss Latex. Jimmy and Zui were a lot of fun. I hope I get to see them in the future, they're sweet people. :]
Alsssoo! Another shot from when I was in Philadelphia! Actually, Gregory Keith was my first stop. He was really funny, we listened to music, watched tv, shot, and just chilled out. The shots he gave me so far are incredible. Can't wait to see more. :]
Oh and some shots from SNAPMUP! I didn't really talk to too many people while I was there that I shot with sadly, it was a madhouse!
But the first is from Dragon Ink Photography, who was one of the collaborative photographers at SNAPMUP. :]
The next shot is from Sassomoso Photography and the make-up is by Doe Deere of Lime Crime Make-up. I loved Doe Deere by the way, she's amazing, cute, and oh so nice. :]
Oh, and I has lots more shots from SNAPMUP! Ennjjooyy. Hee.
Sadly, I didn't play any pranks. My boyfriend and I thought about it though! Haha. We sat around and watched Degrassi (Oh god, I'm so silly.) It was season 3 of all things, when Manny totally seduces Craig. It's awesome, I know.
Figuring out dates for my NYC trip. Funtimes. And trying to book some days this week or something, before I go a little nuts.
Was thinking of going out with a few friends today, but I think I'll stick at home and hang out with my family. And eat icecream sandwiches! Nomnom.
Here are some more behind the scene shots from when I was in West Reading with Tina Dolin! Thinking of another trip to Philly, I'm definitely gonna get up with Tina! :D I loves her, she's amazing. All behind the scene shots from Sarah Beth Faison, it was her bday the other day! Go wish her a belated one!
Stylist Nicole Rae Styer and myself. Gettin' taller!
Stylist Nicole Rae Styer, Make-up artist Roxy Jackson, bombarding me with awesomeness.
Tina shooting, and Roxy watching!
Tina, myself, and Sarah Beth (holding my coats cause she's awesome like that.)
It wobbled, I told her that's cause there was something in it. I laughed, she sort of laughed nervously.
Roxy Jackson fixin' teh makeups
Nicole Rae Styer and myself. I'm short.
Nicole Rae Styer stylin' me!
It was coold!
And oh, speaking of behind the scenes! There's a video up from SNAPMUP, you gotta get about 7 minutes into it before you see me, but it's me dancing like a fool, posin', and laughing. (I hate my laugh, it's so dumb.) But all together it's an awesome video and you get shots of some of the best people there!