Sadly, I didn't play any pranks. My boyfriend and I thought about it though! Haha. We sat around and watched Degrassi (Oh god, I'm so silly.) It was season 3 of all things, when Manny totally seduces Craig. It's awesome, I know.
Figuring out dates for my NYC trip. Funtimes. And trying to book some days this week or something, before I go a little nuts.
Was thinking of going out with a few friends today, but I think I'll stick at home and hang out with my family. And eat icecream sandwiches! Nomnom.
Here are some more behind the scene shots from when I was in West Reading with Tina Dolin! Thinking of another trip to Philly, I'm definitely gonna get up with Tina! :D I loves her, she's amazing. All behind the scene shots from Sarah Beth Faison, it was her bday the other day! Go wish her a belated one!

Tina, myself, and Sarah Beth (holding my coats cause she's awesome like that.)

It wobbled, I told her that's cause there was something in it. I laughed, she sort of laughed nervously.

Roxy Jackson fixin' teh makeups
Nicole Rae Styer and myself. I'm short.

And oh, speaking of behind the scenes! There's a video up from SNAPMUP, you gotta get about 7 minutes into it before you see me, but it's me dancing like a fool, posin', and laughing. (I hate my laugh, it's so dumb.) But all together it's an awesome video and you get shots of some of the best people there!
Check it out here
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