Tuesday, May 12, 2009


And my internet has been out for weeks now at my house. I am currently at my boyfriend's and using his internet.

A lot has been going on, with scheduling, updates, working, etc. But I am just going to post some new shots. :D

Oh, I did go to the Rockville, MD M+G at Slyhorse Studios, lots of fun times.

By Serena Star Photography from when I was in Philadelphia, I went out to NJ and shot with her. :] Make-up is also by her.

Shot by DragonInk way back from March at Snapmup in New Jersey

Joseph Balestra! He's awesome! Designs by Exploration B, and make-up by Ms Asphyxia. These lovely people from New England are amazing. We shot this in New Jersey, after snapmup. :]

Shot by Sassomoso Photography, he came down to Richmond, and we drove around, found some amazing locations and shot. :D It was fun. He was a great guy.

Tim Prendegrast
and I shot at the Rockville, MD Slyhorse Studios M+G with bubble wrap in a corner of an alley, haha! :D I love Tim, he's awesome

My lovely Sarah took these shots. She's one of my favorite people ever, and the lovely lady standing beside me is the beautiful Ms Jess Hawk. :D She's so pretty! We had a lot of fun with this. These were also taken at the Rockville M+G at Slyhorse Studios in MD.

Shot by Asylum! Yaaaay! He's so awesome! He did a series of goofy portrait shots whilst at the Rockville M+G. Here's mine. Hee.

The Divine Emily Fine and I got together again, and shot this at the M+G. She titled it "eat me" I giggled.

Mr Brian Burk and I shot at Rockville as well, designs by LJ did make-up, and latex is by Latex Nemesis. :D They were great people.

I have more coming, getting behind because of this stupid internet lack!

1 comment:

Samantha Nandez said...

You're going to have a portfolio that's bigger and stronger than most super models! lol. Keep up the great work