The Heroes update is I'm on the 3rd season, and halfway in, lawl. That show is getting absolutely ridiculous to the point where I'm wondering who else is going to be someone else's kid, half sister, 5th cousin, whatever the hell. They're all inbred, that's how it happened!
Oh! I am also scheduling a small trip to DC in the next week or so, going to stop by and shoot with a few people on the way up to a paid shoot in MD.
And, I may be going to Boston in the next two weeks for Poison Applez inc which features models such as Mosh, Raquel Reed, Apnea and so much more talent. In other words I'm excited and extremely flattered to be on a website with amazing people. Plus, I get to work with a lot of really amazing photographers, and it helps my portfolio immensly.
Going to Philadelphia in March, have scheduled with a few people, and will be staying with the awesome JessYSais and Josh Bender. I'm really excited for shooting, but also actually being around really great people my entire stay!
SNAPMUP is in March, going to be working with a lot of talent there as well such as MojoKiss, Dastardly Dave, Cannibalized, and Steve Prue, plus others. This will be crucial, and I'm really lucky to have the chance.
I am trying to schedule a trip for NY in April. Still trying to figure out dates. :[
I really want to go to LA in May too, I have a few places to stay now, and would like to maybe try and get my expenses paid to come down and do work there. I just don't know exactly how to get started doing that.
But anyways, I did get photos back from Jason Harbour/ Asylum. We worked together about a month ago. Finally! But they's amazing so who am I to complain? Haha. Most of the hair and make-up was done by Glitterbaby and Anna Evans MUA. Very great sets, I'm really proud of it. Plus, they're a really great team.
The sets were fun to make. Chocolate syrup's awesome. Getting balls in someone's hair isn't as impossible as you may think. And these are my first bull body implied nudes. Woooott.


Yay, more of cold New York, haha.

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